ATPL exam prep brush-ups
Exam preparation courses are the regulatory required classroom training hours for each subject that are needed before taking the exam. At Aeros we offer significantly more than the regulatory minimums. They are primarily aimed at our own ATO students although subject to availability we do accept external students.
Please note that if you are registered with another ATO you must attend your minimum classroom hours with them. Anything you choose to do with us is in addition to their requirements. We cannot authorise students from other ATOs to take exams based on attending one of our brush-ups.

What is a brush-up?
Do I need a brush-up?
Brush-ups are intended to address any last-minute problem areas, particularly tricky areas and exam technique. You are expected to be broadly conversant with the subject. They are NOT intended as introductory courses, or super crammed full courses, but rather the final tune-up before the exam. Our own students must have already passed all their progress tests before attending the course. External customers are expected to be at a similar level.
Our own students are required to do the subjects grouped by module.
Brush-up Courses and KSA
Please contact us for individual subject dates.
CAT-100, CAT-20: one attendance for each module is included in the course fee.
Our KSA program is mandatory for any student on a regulated course that has not completed their final exam by 31st Jan 2022.
Some activities take place within the module exam prep course however the majority of the activities including the 4 mandatory assessments take place on dedicated KSA days that are scheduled adjacent to the exam prep courses.
Regulated courses (CAT-20 and CAT-100) include one attendance of all the KSA elements and 1 attempt at each of the assessments; additional attempts will require a retest fee.
Please check with us before making any bookings.
Please do not book any non-refundable travel or accommodation until we have confirmed your place in writing.
Aeros cannot be held responsible for any non-refundable charges.