Distance Learning
ATPL - £3,100Inc. VAT
For both our CAT-20 and CAT-00 courses each student is provided with Padpilot Apple Books training material. The student works through the training material at their own pace and whilst doing so completes a series of progress tests and practice examinations. These are designed to test your knowledge at the appropriate stages. For CAT-20 students, the completion of progress tests and practice examinations is compulsory. For CAT-00 students the completion of progress tests and practice examinations is optional (see below).
During the first module, you will also register with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) via the Tasman e-examination system. The CAA will notify us of your registration. We will approve you as one of our registered students and authorise you to take UK Part-FCL examinations. Alternatively, you can opt to take EASA Part-FCL examinations with Austro-Control, the Austrian national aviation authority (NAA). Note that UK CAA exams are required for UK licences and EASA exams for EASA licenses.
As you near the end of the self-study phase, you will contact us and book on to a modular, classroom ‘brush-up’ phase. The ‘brush-up’ is part of the regulated training and must be attended by CAT-20 students; CAT-00 students have the option to purchase these brush-ups at an extra cost. You should also book your examinations at this point.
On completion of the brush-up, if you are a UK CAA student you attend a CAA examination centre to take your examinations. The results of the examination are notified to the student at the end of the week during which the examinations were taken. The results are automatically entered into the CAA Tasman e-examination system, for viewing by you and by Aeros.
If you take EASA exams with Austro-Control, you receive the results to each exam on completion of the exam. An interim copy of your examination certificate is received from Austro-Control at the conclusion of each exam sitting and a certified certificate is received on completion of your final exam.

Our Courses
Our CAT-20 is designed for all students.
The CAT-00 course is designed specifically for those who are exempt from mandatory theoretical knowledge training and are eligible for self-certification to take the UK CAA or EASA exams, such as persons holding a current, valid ATPL issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1, or, for UK CAA exams only, UK military personnel holding a Qualified Service Pilot (QSP) qualification. In both cases, the applicant must be eligible for the issue of an ATPL on completion of training. To meet this requirement, the applicant must have a minimum of 1,500 hours of total flight time, including:
500 hours multi-crew flight time on a multi-pilot aircraft or military equivalent. At the discretion of the regulator, written evidence of which will be required, an aircraft which is certified as a single pilot aircraft under applicable regulations but which has been operated as a multi-crew aircraft under an approved AOC may be acceptable provided the applicant has been PIC/P2 of the crew;
250 hours PIC (or 500 hours PICUS; or 70 hours PIC and 180 hours PICUS);
200 hours cross country;
75 hours instrument time; plus
100 hours night flying.
Additionally, the applicant must hold an appropriate Class 1 medical certificate, issued by the country under whose regulatory authority the ATPL exams are to be taken, and the applicant’s third country licence must contain a valid type rating of the type of aircraft to be used for the skill test, or otherwise, and subject to the approval of the regulatory authority, have successfully completed the training for the type of aircraft to be used for the skill test.
Distance learning modules and subjects
Distance learning courses comprises four modules
Module 1
Aircraft General Knowledge
Human Performance
Air Law
Module 2
Principles of Flight
Module 3
General Navigation
Radio Navigation
Module 4
Mass & Balance
Flight Planning
Operational Procedures
Communications (VFR & IFR)