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Tayside Aviation announces partnership with Cat3C


Updated: Jul 23, 2021

Today, Tayside Aviation are pleased to announced their partnership with Cat3C, part of the Aeros Group, as the ground school component of their modular fATPL training programme.

Tayside is an EASA and CAA approved training organisation (ATO) with 52 years of delivering the highest level of private and commercial pilot training. Tayside delivers a complete modular ATPL programme including MCC/JOC and AUPRT. They also continue to deliver the RAF Air Cadet Pilot Scheme as the sole contractor for MOD.

Tayside will starting their 13th BSc Hons Degree Course on 5th October with 24 students in attendance.

To complement the delivery of the Degree programme, Tayside Aviation are delighted to announce the launch of their partnership with Cat3C (part of the Aeros Group) who will assist and manage the ‘ground school’ component of Tayside Aviation training within a partnership of producing a world class aviation training experience.

Jim Watt, Managing Director of Tayside Aviation, says ‘We are delighted to be working with CAT3C using Padpilot materials and look forward to developing the partnership further over the years to come.’

Nigel Orme, Cat3C Managing Director, says ‘We are very excited to be partnered with a flight school that has developed an incredible reputation over the decades for offering the highest level of quality pilot training in the UK and across Europe. We look forward to developing and growing the TKI program with Tayside as their student numbers continue to increase.’

Cat3C will soon be announcing additional partnerships with flight schools around the world as they expand and develop the TKI aviation market globally.


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